Time travelling scientists.
The Life of Martha

Time travelling Scientists

Albert Einstein
One day Einstein was standing in front of a black board writing his famous equation when suddenly strange psychedelic rings appeared around him. What on earth? thought Einstein and the next thing he knew he had been teleported onto a time machine.
'Yo Einstein I'm Bill and this is Ted, we're time travellers collecting histories greatest scientists.'
'You bastards' said Einstein 'my E still looks like an F'
'Yer we thought fridges was better than energy. Anyway why were you writing from right to left?'
'This sketch would have been f*cked if I didn't.'
'Good point. Right we've got to go and get Darwin.'

Charles Darwin
Darwin was standing in front of the mirror one morning having a shave when he suddenly felt this strange rising sensation before passing out. When he came round this strange face was standing over him.
'Yo Darwin, we're time travellers have you met Einstein?'
'Couldn't you have waited until I'd finished shaving?'
'No way man you've got a beard in all your pictures, no one would of known who you were. Anyway those church dudes were giving you hassle and we've got this monk that you've got to meet.'

Gregor Mendel.
Mendel was in the monastery gardens one day watering his peas when suddenly these blue and purple fractal patterns appeared in front of his eyes and he experienced as trange spinning sensation. Next thing he knew he was on a time machine.
'So Mendel, brown again this year eh?' said Bill
'Have you got an afro under there?' asked Ted
'Who are you guys?'
'Who are you guys? And what about my peas?'
'Chill out man just talk to Darwin over there. It'll save evryone at lot of hassle.'

Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov was feeling particularly annoyed and wishing cats could be more like dogs. Then suddenly he was gripped by a strange extraterrestrial force. After travelling through strange space-time tunnels he realised he'd been teleported onto a time machine.
'O'right? Pavlov.'
'Hey who are you guys. I've just got new batteries for my bell. Hey I've got a welsh accent, I like it.'
'We're time travellers. We've got Einstein, Darwin and Mendel.'
'Cool. Anyway that cat was pissing me off. Do you know what he did when I rang the bell yesterday?'
'Yer Eddie told us. Anyway we've got to go and get Mendeleev.

Dimitri Mendeleev
Mendeleev was working on his periodic table one day when he suddenly blacked out. When he came round a strange voice was saying 'hi Mendeleev you're the latest member of our time travelling scientists'
'But I'm half way through one of my periods.'
'Is that why your so grumpy?' asked Ted
'Not that sort of period' said Mendeleev.
'Hey he's got a Welsh accent as well.'
'Must be because he's Russian, we should probably get that looked at.'

Erwin Schrodinger
Schrodinger was conducting his cat experiments one day when suddenly he was pulled into what looked like a portal into another dimension. On the other side a guy said ' Yo schrodinger what's up? Welcome to our time travelling machine.'
'Could you not have waited until I checked on that cat.'
'You actually did that? Everyone thought it was just a theoretical mind game.'
'No way cats piss me off.'
'Yer tell me about it' said Pavlov
'Last time I opened the he pinged an elastic band at me using that thumb half way up his leg. And the time before I found him trying to drill out of the bottom.'

Issac Newton
Newton was sitting under an apple tree on a particularly windy autumns day when in an instant his body was split into it's separate atoms and then reassembled on board a time machine.
'Hey Newton what you looking so grumpy about.'
'Yer we saved you from that apple man.'
'Oh actually' said Einstein 'didn't that give him the inspiration for the theory of gravity?'
'Oh ye shit. Shall we tell him?'
'Na someone else will come up with it let's just put him back.'
'Good Idea. O.K Issac prepare to beam down.'
'Oh right captain. Bleh, bleh, bleh bleh, bleh, leh, leh, leh, le, le, er, erm.'
And the rest of them just stand there looking at him. 'Whats all that about Issac?'
'I thought I was beaming down.'
'We've got a machine to do that. We just pull a lever, you see?'
'Ah you bastards you just let me do that.'

